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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quick Update

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share some news concerning the Blog. Once again, I have missed two posts, a Photo of the Week and an Attraction Review. Although it may seem that I'm full of excuses, my family and I have received some bad news this past week, and I'm really struggling to deal with it. I've been told to try and do activities I enjoy to help myself come to terms with it easier, and have been trying hard to. As you know, writing this Blog is by far the thing I love doing the most, but I just haven't been able to sit down and write like I normally do, there's so much going on in my head.

For this I apologise. I will try to get more posts up this week, and I have plans for several new posts which will be appearing in the near future, which I hope to elaborate on tomorrow. I would also like to inform you all that the Blog will be down for several hours tomorrow, as I'm transferring it to a new URL and hopefully adding some new features. All posts missed this week, including today's Pin of the Fortnight, will be rolled over to next week.

Thank you for your support, I hope you have a magical week!

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